Development =========== Dependencies ------------ For dependencies in this project we are following the guidelines from the `Python Packaging Guide`_. So in detail we are using the `install_requires` in the setup.py_ to specify a list of dependencies this *project minimally needs to run correctly*. Whereas in the requirements.txt_ we define the *complete Python environment* with *pinned versions for the purpose of achieving repeatable installations*. So the requirements.txt_ also includes the dependencies of the dependencies and the tools we are using for our setup. So what has to be done, if you want to add a new dependency? Well simply try to follow the guideline in the `Python Packaging Guide`_. Also if you want to update the requirements.txt_ and don't know how, the following steps might be handy. .. code-block:: bash # Create temporary virtual environment and install the current requirements python3 -m venv /tmp/env . /tmp/env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt # Install your new fancy package pip install my-fancy-package # Update the whole list of dependencies pip freeze > requirements.txt .. _SQLAlchemy: .. _Python Packaging Guide: .. .. _requirements.txt: